Cartridge Depot Releases A New Review Section On Their Website

You can now leave a review or comment on your experience of using our services and products at Cartridge Depot. If you have not used Cartridge Depot before this is your chance to review our service. We always offer a full money back guarantee on all our products.
To view our Reviews please click here.

Your opinion counts as we are always looking to improve our services.

Look at Hazel with her friends!

Hazel was out and about in Bedford Town Centre with fellow Giraffe friends that were also designed by other Schools for different local Businesses.

Check out HAZEL the Cartridge Depot Giraffe designed by Hazeldene Lower School!

She has been completed and she has had her very first browse of the shop. Hazeldene Lower school have decided to call her Hazel, and yes she’s a girl, she looks amazing, well done Hazeldene Lower School and thank you from all at Cartridge Depot. She will be available to see in our shop during August.

Cartridge Depot Giraffe UPDATE!

UPDATE! Look at the early stage pictures of the Cartridge Depot Giraffe that is being designed by Hazeldene Lower School for the Giraffe Safari, they are doing an amazing job! We cant wait to see it finished!Carry on the great work Hazeldene Lower School!


Helping Our Town Centre Businesses To Help Each Other.

Helping each other is one key benefit of the BedfordBID, and as Cartridge Depot are part of it they have a super offer for all BedfordBID Business members which is:
5% off printer supplies and free delivery!

Just tell us you are a BedfordBID member and you will receive this offer.

If your not a business you can still enjoy discounts at Cartridge Depot by signing up to the Love Bedford Reward card if you don’t already have one.